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Kegan Quimby Web Design LLC

1885 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94103 , USA - San Francisco

In what has proven to be the best decision of my life, I took the summer of 2012 off to ride my bike across the country to raise money and awareness for affordable housing. I cannot even express how thankful I am at how well everything turned out, the people I met and the experiences I had. I left New York City in late May of 2012, and haven’t looked back. I spent exactly one year there. Arriving in the summer of 2011 to work for a small tech startup called LocalUncle. They were a SoHo based, location Q & A service (don’t worry, I still don’t really know what that means either), who needed a junior rails developer. When that ended I was stuck. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew I wanted something that allowed for tangible results, quickly, while helping people. I had worked with WordPress before a little, but after taking a part time role as an apprentice to a freelance Magento developer, I was forced to learn WordPress: I would handle all the smaller sites. I fell in love. I have never found anything even close to the flexibility, extendability and awesome community WordPress has. It is so easy to use, beautifully designed, and the best solution for about 98% of all projects on the web (yes, this includes ecommerce now). My favorite part of the process is showing clients how easy it is to update and maintain literally every aspect of their site. Often people don’t have content management and have to email developers to make changes. This causes huge delays, and often a huge bill too. Enter WordPress: they’re blown away. After about 6 months of freelancing, I was hired as a full time contractor by a small design boutique in the FlatIron district to custom code WordPress themes from PSD templates. This really took my development skills to the next level, as all themes were built using jQuery, as well as CSS3 and HTML5. All themes were responsive and built for all browsers (down to IE7). Once again, I fell in love with WordPress: the code base makes it very easy to extend, build and play with, while still remaining super fast and secure. I stopped working for them, realizing that I had more fun finding and working for my own clients. No project is too big or too small.

  • Search Engine Optimization Website Designing

Contact Information

   Office Phone : (415) 409-9317

   Address : 1885 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94103


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