The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers is the largest bookkeeping institute in the world. It promotes and maintains the standards of bookkeeping as a profession, through the establishment of expectations, relevant qualifications and the award of grades of membership that recognise academic attainment, working experience and expertise. Consultation with Government, employers, businesses, the profession itself and industry has confirmed and amplified the Institute’s assessment of the need for qualified certified bookkeepers. Businesses, both large and small, are fully supportive of the objectives of The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. ICB promotes and maintains the standards of bookkeeping as a profession, through the establishment of expectations, relevant qualifications and the award of grades of membership that recognise academic attainment, working experience and expertise. ICB stays involved in your world by being participants in your world. Our technical support and resource development teams are made up of part-time bookkeepers who all have their own clients. Our team of people delivering knowledge and support to you are each engaged in their own businesses as contract bookkeepers. They experience what you experience, they are working with the issues and the ATO in the same way that you are. This provides us with direct insight into the current needs of bookkeepers: knowledge, solutions, resources, software, how-to guides or technical webinars. By being intensely involved in many forums with the ATO we also remain very involved in knowing, (and influencing), what the ATO is doing to your world. It gives us a great ability to hear from you what is going on and influence them, as well as hearing from them what they are planning to do and often redirecting their thinking. Our direct relationships with each of the software companies allows us to understand where they are coming from and what they are saying to you. ICB hears from you by the enquiries that come into support and via our social media channels. By responding to the enquiries for more information we establish the list of additional resources to be developed and the knowledge to provide to you via our website and the newsletter. Our network facilitators provide us with feedback following each meeting including a constant flow of follow up questions and clarifications based on the information discussed at those meetings.
Office Phone : 1300 85 61 81
Address : Level 27, Rialto South Tower 525 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
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