As an independent consulting company and software specialist in the field of industry 4.0 iFAKT GmbH supports its customers in the planning of production and logistics processes, thus optimizing resource utilization in the company as well in the improvement of business processes. Our many years of experience and innovative technologies and methods combined with our software are the key factors behind our success. Well-known companies from the automotive and aerospace industry as well as mechanical engineering and medical technology are among our customers. We advise large OEMs as well as small and medium sized companies. Our offices are located in Stuttgart, in the direct vicinity of the airport. This puts us not only at the heart of the manufacturing industry in Baden-Württemberg; it also means that we can reach all our customers easily in Germany and Europe.Since 2013 we have been present with a further location in Toulouse, France. This structure allows us to provide the best possible service and to respond to our customers from the European aerospace industry directly and on site.
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