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My Green Startup

13420 Gémenos, France , UK - Paris

We know your issues and help you to overcome them. Whether to create your digital identity, manage your communication via your social networks, strategically advise you in your development via digital or teach you how to master the new digital technologies, we are there to help. Our professional radiation affects a wide range of actions and we want to position ourselves from the new perspective of the world of startups to grow and further develop an entrepreneurial spirit. My Green Startup is a consulting agency in digital marketing, sensitive to high social and environmental impact projects. We want to transpose to the business world the innovation capabilities we identify with our startups. Our main missions are to strategically deploy your business on the internet and accompany your digital project with a long-term vision. Our experts support you in your digital development. Benefit from our consulting offerings and let us create and develop your community. We strategically assist you in our creation/design studio, and allow you to manage and monitor your devices by yourself with our training offers.

  • Search Engine Optimization Website Designing

Contact Information

   Office Phone : +33 4 91 18 01 00

   Address : 13420 Gémenos, France


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